How I Forged My Own Path in Business & Life

It’s never too late to detour from the main road.

Kristen Walters
Six-Figure Soloprenuer
6 min readMay 22, 2023


Credit: Canva Pro

Throughout my 20’s and 30’s, people would constantly ask me when I was going to have kids.

When are you going to give me a grandbaby?

I’d always smile politely and say something vague like, “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe in a few years…

Well, don’t wait too long. I want grand kids before I’m dead.

That line always made me cringe.

The truth was — I wasn’t planning to have children — ever.

I’ve never felt drawn to motherhood, and for many years, I felt VERY guilty about that.

“What’s wrong with me?” — I’d wonder.

I struggled with similar feelings of guilt and shame when I quit my job as an attorney (just as my “career” was taking off) to design my own business that was custom-tailored to my interests and lifestyle.

People would say —

You’re throwing away your future.

All those years of school and student loans — down the toilet. SMH.

Do you know what percentage of businesses FAIL?

Sadly, instead of encouragement, most people who try to do things differently in life are faced with judgment and negativity — often by those closest to them, whose opinions they respect the most.

It can be crippling.

If you grew up in a negative environment, you were likely programmed to believe that failure is the norm.

People like US don’t do things like that.

After all, if the people in your family, community, or social group couldn’t succeed at pursuing THEIR dreams (or didn’t bother to even try), how dare YOU have the audacity to think that you have a chance?

Oh, I get it — you must think you’re BETTER than us.

