Member-only story
Visibility Wins Over “Quality” 99% of the Time
This morning, I was skimming through Medium and came across at least three stories with this debatable premise —
You can’t make money with ebooks, AI, or Amazon KDP. It’s all a scam.
These claims were based on the fact that the writers had put “a lot of effort” (in their opinion) into creating a “high-quality product” and made ZERO sales.
In other words,
They couldn’t make it work, so it MUST be impossible.
Oh, and they vaguely mentioned that they didn’t do any marketing…
BUT — that shouldn’t matter because they put SO much time and effort into creating something that was “high quality.”
And we all know that people prioritize quality…
Cough. TikTok Shop. Cough.
I mean, doesn’t everyone spend hours searching the nether regions of the internet looking for the best possible product to buy?
When I read stories like this, my heart breaks a little for the writer because I can see that they are missing one massively important piece of the puzzle.